What I Did This Weekend {1/10 – 1/11}

Happy Monday, everyone!

My weekend started VERY early when Harlow decided to wake up at 4am.

wpid-2015-01-12-09.31.32.png.pngFacebook was sympathetic.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing with cow, taking down Christmas decorations *sob*, and trying out our new potties.  I’ll do another post on that soon.




We also headed out and did a tiny bit of shopping.  I bought a new pair of leggings because LOVE, and a pair of snow pants.  I have not owned a pair of snow pants since elementary school when we were forced to go outside in winter.  I’m determined to at least try to get Harlow to enjoy winter.  Maybe she won’t grow up hating the weather 9 months out of the year like her mom.


Sunday started a bit later at 6am.  Still early, but better.

We stayed in the house, and in our pajamas, until naptime which was very, very short for some reason.  Harlow only slept maybe 20 minutes.

After that, though, I got a fun visit from my friend Tracy who abandoned me moved to Chicago last summer!  She was up for the weekend and popped in to see me (twice!  She also came to my work on Friday afternoon!).  It was so nice to see her, even if I was a bit frazzled by Harlow’s non-sleep shenanigans.  Luckily we still talk every day, so while I do really miss her, I don’t have to really miss her.  Ya know?

Other highlights of the weekend:

Harlow started saying “Why’d you do that???” about everything.  It is so cute and funny.  She also counted to 18 this weekend!  What 21 month old does that out of the blue???

I bought this to sprinkle on top of my breakfast yogurt.  It is soooo good.

A work friend bought me Breyers Gelato Indulgences – Tiramisu for Christmas.  I finally just got around to eating some last night and it is ah-mazing.


Also, we’ve been watching Lilyhammer on Netflix.

It has some really funny parts for a show about mobsters.

I especially love his sidekick, Torgeir Lien.  That guy is funny…

That face… Gah!

Well, everyone… hope you have a great Monday!

Any fun news from the weekend?

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